
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

On to Round 2 - Weekend Recap with my Love

This past weekend was a fun one spent one on one with my love. We don’t get many weekends just the 2 of us due to his racing schedule/addiction. Lol! And with him being a business owner, he does end up working fairly often on the weekend. So Friday night, we had tickets to go see a Lee Brice, LANCO and Lewis Brice concert at Innsbrook Afterhours. We got there right after gates opened and propped our chairs up front row (behind the VIP section) which was awesome! Right as Lewis Brice finished up his set, it started to storm pretty badly. Of course, for liability reasons, the cops on duty kicked us all out of the fenced in area to wait out the storm. We left our chairs in hopes that our spot would be saved when coming back in. Which we were lucky and got right back in that spot. The concert was lots of fun with great music and singing our hearts out… plus on and off rain which kept us cool in this Virginia humidity. We heard LANCO (loveee!) and Lee Brice sang some of his more popular songs before lightning struck again making them call it a night.
Saturday, was partly cloudy and VERY cool for this time of year! We took the boat out for about 5 hours and soaked up the sun! We both got burnt pretty good since we couldn’t actually feel the sun on our skin until it was too late.
This book is amazing by the way.

After our boat ride, we went home, showered and got ready to go out to dinner at one of my FAVORITES! Maggiano’s! If you have one near you, definitely worth the extra cost for some wonderful Italian food. The weather being as beautiful as it was, we ate out on the patio and I had me a glass of Sangria.

We walked around the mall after, went into Lush for the first time and treated myself to some bath oils, bombs, and a hair treatment called ROOTS. Then went to Alex and Ani and got myself a new bracelet off the clearance table.

Sunday, Jonathan did have to work for a while. So I stayed home and cleaned house, did a few loads of laundry and worked in our home office getting some invoices sent out to customers. We REALLY spoiled ourselves with our meals this weekend (definitely didn’t stick to my Keto diet), and went out to Kabuto’s (Hibachi) for dinner. Our chef was great, and sang songs to us and cracked jokes the whole time. Sometimes you get a dud that doesn’t like to perform, but this guy most definitely earned his tips from the three couples he was cooking for. He said, "call me Black Panda." HAHAHA!
It was a wonderful weekend spent focusing on each other, and I loved every minute of it. Back to racing this upcoming weekend, so I have to soak up all the spoiling when I can.
Going to work on Monday morning is never fun, but I had to wake up super early for a blood draw. Plus my coworker is on vacation this week, so I am manning the office by myself. It can get pretty stressful and busy at times, but I am enjoying the peace of having the place to myself. Don't get me wrong, I love my coworker, but I think she likes hearing herself talk. She literally never shuts up! I hate saying that, but sometimes you just want to work in silence instead of being interrupted every 15 seconds by her chatting, or narrating every move she makes… or just making noises. Or saying the same things she says over and over and over again. I will say though, that since my miscarriage, I have really opened up to her about my struggle with infertility and its been a HUGE weight off my shoulders to have her know the complete 100% truth. She is super understanding about all of my appointments and even now more aware of the cause of my moodiness at times. Its been probably the best decision I could have made telling her the truth.

Anyways, round one of Femara 2.5mg did not work, and even though I had a few days in a slump of sadness and disappointment, I am ready to press onward! My Monday morning blood work confirmed for my doctor that I did not ovulate. She called me today at lunch time today to tell me our plan for round 2. First off, we are jumping right into 10 days of Prometrium to get a new cycle started. Then, I will be taking 5mg of Femara days 3-7 this time, and hoping that the stronger dose will make my ovaries do work! Feeling positive and hopeful, but trying to keep my hopes in check in case we don’t get the desired results. I am so pleased with my new OB. She always calls me personally, instead of having a nurse do it. And she is on board with keeping things moving, rather than waiting around until day 35 or later to get progressing to a new cycle.
I just want to say thank you to anyone who actually reads all this stuff I write. Sometimes I think I’m pretty weird for writing these posts for anyone (or no one) to see. But its actually pretty therapeutic, feeling like I am updating someone on my life. And if anything, I will be able to look back at these posts in the future and remember the journey to get where I am going. <3

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