
Friday, October 19, 2018

I'm Pregnant! - Femara R4 Success

I cannot even believe that I am writing this post right now. 5 days after what would have been my due date, I unexpectedly received a positive pregnancy test…On the afternoon of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day (October 15th). I am completely amazed and blown away. I wholeheartedly believed that we would be unsuccessful, as we were in the previous two ovulatory cycles on Femara. I had mentally prepared for taking a break from medicated cycles. I had a game plan to get my butt back to a gym regimen and “get fit.” I completely did not think this would happen. Like everyone says… “When you least expect it.” --- I always hated when people would tell me that, because I always thought to myself, “How in the world can I “least expect it” when I am doing medicated cycles, trying to make it happen?” But here we are.
When getting the positive at 9dpo, I started with a cheapy wondfo. There was the faintest of faint lines, which looked more like an indent to me. Nothing to be excited by, but enough of something to make me want to test with a FRER. And holy cow, when that faint line appeared, I lost it. Down on my knees, boohooing in the bathroom floor. Complete shock and praising God for allowing this to happen. While also begging Him to please let me keep my baby this time. Once I gained my composure I had to tell Jonathan immediately. No special surprise onesie for him this time, I simply walked out to the garage while he’s upside down wiring up some gauges in his drag truck and say, “Jonathan I’m pregnant.” He was shocked and completely taken of guard because originally, I had planned on waiting a bit longer to test. We hugged, and I cried some more. We were both extremely reserved, simply because of what happened last time. We are trying to keep calm, cool and collected, just in case.
I am only 13 dpo today, and staying cautiously optimistic. But given the fact that my test lines are now darker than they ever were during my chemical in January, plus I’ve had 2 blood draws now, I am feeling that little bit of reassurance that this is really it. I am going to have a healthy baby and a healthy full term pregnancy! 

Here’s some quick numbers for you, HCG at 10dpo – 18. HCG at 12dpo – 63. More than doubled! Progesterone had me a little nervous at 10dpo 13.3, even though my OB was pleased with it. At 12dpo Progesterone was at 21.6. My OB’s office only wanted to do the one blood draw (unless I was bleeding). So, for my own peace of mind, I paid out of pocket to get the 12dpo blood work done by a lab. $88 was COMPLETELY worth it to see that everything is going as it should.
This morning, with a darker 2nd line on my FRER, I decided to call my OB and schedule my first ultrasound. She advised me to go three more weeks, so November 9th will be the day we will see our baby for the first time. I just hope these next 3 weeks go by so fast. I will be just shy of 7 weeks pregnant by then.

Symptoms to note: Off and on twinges, slightly weird taste in my mouth, and laying on the chiropractor table for my adjustment yesterday had my boobs SCREAMING at me. Other than that, nothing of major importance. Every now and then I feel this little dizzy headrush, but I think that’s simply because my brain keeps reminding me …. “You are pregnant!” 
I am praising God for allowing this to happen. He has strengthened me and given me the courage I have needed to go through multiple medicated cycles and to never give up the hope that we will beat infertility. And I am just praying that this baby I am carrying today is healthy and growing, and will be the greatest blessing I will ever receive. Thank you God!

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