
Thursday, August 17, 2017

"When God Says Wait"

Its been a little while. 
Just wanted to make a post to put something’s down on paper…uhmmm the internet. 
Jonathan and I went on a week vacation with his family the beginning of August, did everything in our power plus some to conceive because it was in what would be my “fertile week.” Well it didn’t work… again. 
I started doing some research on supplements I could try to help with my hormones/cycle and came across Pregnitude and Premama. I ordered both on Amazon Prime and had them delivered same day. Started the Pregnitude right away and plan to take the Premama as soon as I run out of Pregnitude. (They are the exact same ingredients.) So I plan on giving these 2 months to see how they work. 
Well tomorrow would have been CD 35 and when I would have started Provera again to induce my cycle, but after only 4 days of taking Pregnitude, I woke up and realized I STARTED MY PERIOD ON MY OWN!!!! I am completely ecstatic! Not sure if the Pregnitude did the trick, or could be my weight loss. (12lbs in about 6 weeks thanks to Nutrisystem). Either way, I am so excited that I started without Provera. I am hopeful that I will also ovulate this cycle. I’m not sure if I have been ovulating, but I plan on starting to temp this cycle to confirm. I figure since this is our 10th month trying, might as well start temping now. If we make it a whole year and haven’t conceived, the Dr. will probably want me to temp anyways, so I’m getting a head start. 
I started reading a book yesterday called “When God Says Wait,” by Elizabeth Laing Thompson. Its very encouraging and providing me with some tools to get through this time of waiting. One verse that it discusses is Lamentations 3:21-26, 32-33
Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord… Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love. For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone. 
God does not want me to suffer. He doesn’t want me to hurt.
Another excerpt… “Waiting seasons aren’t fun, but they are opportunities. Through our waiting seasons—yes, through the not knowing—we can build character one step at a time. Through our waiting seasons, perseverance can gradually “finish” its never-ending work in us. As waiting does its thing, and God does His, we get the chance to become our best selves, the people God designed us to be.”
I just wanted to share these couple of things because they are meaningful to me and maybe someday, someone may read my blog and find peace in the same things that are bringing me peace today. After my period is over, Jonathan and I will get back to work doing everything in our power to conceive. If it is God’s will for me to conceive now, then it will happen. If not, then I will just have to continue to wait.