
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

TTC Update: Femara / Weekend Recap / 2nd Wedding Anniversary

Haven’t put out a post in a while; life has been TOO busy lately. Figured I would come on here and give a quick TTC update AND a recap of this past fun weekend we had.

I actually saw my new OBGYN on 6/14 for my annual exam. Being 10dpo, I asked them to do a pregnancy test. I knew it would be negative since I had already tested myself that morning, but I wanted them to test too...negative. I was able to just talk to my new doctor for a good 15 minutes about everything that has occurred up to that point. I also explained to her that I believe I have PCOS but never had a doctor willing to do the work to give me a diagnosis. Well she said they would take care of that! Love having an OB that wants to help and get answers! She did my exam then took lots of blood work. Tested Progesterone (confirmed I did ovulate but was fairly low), Thyroid (normal), Diabetes (negative) and lastly Testosterone (was on the HIGH end of normal). Last thing to be done was to get an ultrasound to look at my ovaries. I went in the following Thursday, had my first ever ultrasound, and low and behold… each ovary had 8-10 small cysts. Its official, I have a formal PCOS diagnosis. Not that I doubted I did, but to finally have a professional confirm it gave me the satisfaction of knowing that EVERYTHING I have gone through, and “symptoms” I deal with regularly are not just in my head. There is a culprit. And its name is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

After reviewing my ultrasound with my Dr, I told her I was on CD6 and even though she prefers days 3-7, she went ahead and gave me a prescription for the lowest dose of Femara/Letrozole (2.5mg) to try this cycle. Said we will up it to 5mg next time if I don’t ovulate this round. I was literally so excited and on cloud 9 the rest of the day about getting to start right away. I thought I was going to have to wait through this cycle before getting some help. Of course I quit taking Vitex because I don’t think it’s smart to combine the two. (Although she didn’t tell me to quit the Vitex. I don’t think she knew much about it.)
So, as of today (6/27 – CD12), I have finished taking my first round of Femara and thinking maybe I’m feeling a little bit going on with my ovaries. The side effects haven’t been nearly as extreme as Clomid. I do feel fatigued, like all the time, but no nausea, no hot flashes, no headaches, minor moodiness (so far lol). Now I am just hoping that I’m growing a couple good follicles and will ovulate in a timely manner. So that’s that!

On to the fun weekend recap.
Friday after work, I got my nails done and spent the rest of the evening relaxing. Then Saturday, DRAG RACING! Due to flooding here locally Thursday night, and rain forecasted for Saturday, races near us were all cancelled.

So we decided to check out Roxboro Dragway in Timberlake, NC. It was our first time there, but we really liked it a lot. It is a very nice facility. They had a few guys from Street Outlaws there, and Nitro Mike Kunz was there. (He holds the world record for longest wheel stand.) So it was a larger event then I think they usually have.


Two of Jonathan’s racing buddies also made the trip down with us which it was nice so we knew some other people there. I cooked burgers on the grill and got a good suntan being out there in the heat. But it was an awesome day! Jonathan WON in Footbrake, and made it all the way to the semi-finals in Top which is a HUGE accomplishment! We were rushing a lot towards the end because he kept having to race, then come right back the staging lanes and race again. His buddies had lost earlier in the day and were able to help him fuel up and check tire air pressure, so he could kind of focus and stay in the zone. He had a young boy come up and ask for his autograph. (So sweet!) Another man came up to him and pointed up at the bleachers saying “My son is your biggest fan, been cheering for you all day!” It was really cool to see Jonathan getting recognized for the awesome racer he is! Even though I would have to disagree, because I am his TRUE biggest fan. Ha! Not to mention his truck was running awesome all day! When I saw his win light come on in the final, I was screaming and jumping up and down and everyone was looking at me smiling because I was so darn excited and proud I couldn’t contain myself. For the first time, I went up to the other racer’s girlfriend and told her that it was an awesome race and shook her hand. It was such a close race, but we were on the winning end this time. When he red lit in the Top semifinals against a dragster, I was a little sad for him but still so thrilled that he already won in the other class.
Drag racing is such a great sport with some really awesome people. Most guys (and girls) would do anything to help their fellow racer.
Needless to say, he made a name for himself at Roxboro Motorsports Park and his friend requests have been BLOWING up ever since.

We got our picture taken in the winner’s circle, then loaded up and made the 2.5 hour drive home. Which put us getting home after 1AM. Next morning I slept in a bit while Jonathan got some office work done. We went to good old Cracker Barrel for breakfast, then I had to do my part of paperwork in the office for a couple hours. Finished that and went to visit my friend Candace; we baked some amazing cookies and played with her daughter Lola. I had to boogie home and wake Jonathan up from his nap so we could go out to dinner with my Granny, Mom and Ed to a new place called the Tasty Crab for dinner. It was sooooo Yummy! Love crablegs! Even better when they are free; Mom and Ed treated us to our meal for our anniversary.

Monday June 25th, Jonathan and I celebrated our 2nd Wedding Anniversary by going out to dinner together. 2 Years of Marriage and we have already created such a beautiful life together. I am so incredibly blessed to be married to such an amazing man. No mushy love letter to share with ya’ll this year since it was a bit more personal and private. But I am so looking forward and excited to now be transitioning into our 3rd year of marriage and all that we will get to experience together in the future.
I hope to get a pic like this on our anniversary every year so we can see how each of us changes over the years.