
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How I Quit Smoking

Today, I am 3 years free from cigarettes! 
I’m so proud of myself for this. It’s actually kind of weird now, thinking back to when I used to be a smoker. Cigarettes controlled me for 10 years! But now, I encourage everyone I know that they CAN and MUST quit! 

I tried smoking for the first time at 14 years old. Just like everyone says, high school, peer pressure, all my friends were doing it. By the age of 15 I was a regular smoker. Small town, we had our ways of getting them; gas stations that would sell to minors. Both of my parents are also smokers, so neither of them actually had grounds to “force” me to stop. Moving out of my moms and into my dad’s, I think is what mostly encouraged my habit. There is SO MUCH more to my “growing up” story that I’ll maybe share another time. But that’s a lot of drama for another day.
From the beginning, I was always a pretty heavy smoker. I had a horrible smokers cough. I took smoke breaks every hour on the hour.  My clothes stunk, my hair stunk, my hands stunk. Of course you don’t notice these things when you do smoke. By the time I did quit, I was smoking a pack and a half a day. That’s 30 cigarettes a day!!! 
When Jonathan and I got engaged in December 2014, is when quitting first became an idea, although I didn’t do it right away. 
Reasons I wanted to: One, I DID NOT want to be walking around in my wedding dress with a cigarette in my hand. And two, I had a couple friends pregnant at the time and I knew they wouldn’t want me holding their babies while smelling of tobacco. 
Even though I always knew I would quit one day, I never really had a plan of when. And even when I did go for it, the desire really wasn’t THAT strong. I didn’t REALLY want to quit, and I don’t think anyone does. But I did, and this is how.

How I Quit: 
First thing I did, in May 2015 I went about two months ahead on my calendar and picked a day (July 24, 2015). That would be the day I quit. I told everyone. Friends, family, coworkers... even a couple strangers. I hyped it up and made sure everyone knew, that way I would be supported and be held accountable. My husband was also a smoker, (He’s now on his 2nd year smoke free), so I had to have him on board to support me also. I wish he would’ve quit with me because it would have made it easier, but he just wasn’t ready at the time. I simply did not let him smoke in the house until I had a grip on things. And he couldn’t smoke around me at all the first week or so. (Warning: When you quit, it smells sooooo bad if someone smokes around you!)

My last day as a smoker, I smoked as much as I could before going to bed. I left one cigarette in my pack as my “emergency/security blanket.” (Never smoked it). The next morning, QUIT DAY, my anxiety was insane and physical symptoms were awful. I immediately went to the pharmacy before work to buy patches (never used them, I returned for a refund) and nicotine gum. I actually cried real tears to the pharmacist that I was quitting tobacco today and needed help. I was sweating and shaking and felt HORRIBLE! I made it through the whole work day on edge but “okay”, then the moment I got into my car to go home, I sobbed the whole way. Smoking while driving was my favorite, and now it was over. Once home, I chewed on the one and only piece of nicotine gum I ever used, in my car, until the physical withdrawal passed. The rest of the evening, I held a cigarette in my hand and sucked on it here and there pretending it was lit. I also downloaded an app called “Smoke Free” that cheered me on with badges, tips, encouragement and tracking money saved, as I progressed. 
Day two, I woke up and immediately went to my local Vape store and purchased a starter kit for about $50. (I did eventually upgrade to a box mod.) Before you get all judgmental, I know vaping is not good for you, just like cigarettes. But vaping 100% saved me and my efforts, even though the switch SUCKS at first. I truly think if you’re going to quit by using a vape, you should stick to ONLY vaping! I don’t believe you can successfully quit using both the vape and cigs together. And you should probably do it the same way I did, since it worked so well for me.

I found a flavor I liked at 12mg nicotine (recommended to me based on how much I was smoking daily). And I only vaped that one flavor the entire time; Never got into trying different flavors. The first day or two, I choked and coughed and really was not enjoying the vape... then my throat got used to it. (Hang in there!) After about a month, I dropped to 10mg, then 8mg. Stayed at that level for a while. Every time I dropped nicotine levels, it took a day or two for me to get used to, but I just had to be patient. Eventually it felt fine. 
Then I dropped again to 6mg, 3mg... and eventually I was combining 3mg and 0mg to make a 1.5mg nicotine. All in all, I vaped for right at a year while continuing to lower my nicotine levels over that time. Once I was at 0mg nicotine, I found myself vaping less every day until one day I realized, “hey... I haven’t vaped all day.” It was absolutely amazing. I still would vape when drinking for maybe the first two months, simply because when I drank is when I would want the hand to mouth motion the most, but at that point it was honestly all in my head. A few months after our wedding, I knew we were go to try to start our family. So it was super easy to give it up completely before we started trying in November 2016. 

Shortly after I quit the vape completely, my husband had his first kidney stone and went to the ER. During his CT scan, they found a small nodule on his lung, which has not grown since, but it freaked him out enough that he quit the very next day, the same way I did. Today, he is 532 days smoke free, is on 0mg nicotine, using his vape less every day, and I’m so proud of him.  


Unless you’ve been a smoker, it’s kind of hard to understand. But it is such a cool feeling being free from it. And having empty hands. And being told by my mom (who still unfortunately smokes) how good I smell ALL THE TIME. And my teeth are now getting whiter, thanks to some white strips. And my gums are healthy and not hurting. And my dentist tells me every 6 months how beautiful my teeth are. And I don’t ever need “smoke breaks.” And my cough is gone. And I can run on the treadmill. And my nails and hair are healthier. And my skin is clearer. And food tastes better! Gosh, It’s just AMAZING! 

With quitting I did gain weight; about 35lbs total. Which I’m still working on getting rid of today. I’ve been dieting off and on for the last 2 years and from my heaviest, I am down 23lbs. My mom always says that my will power is wayyyy stronger than others, but I don’t think so. I’ve just always been the kind of person that when I put my mind to something I stick to it. I don’t go back on my word. If I say I’m going to do it, I’m dead serious. Maybe that why I was so successful with quitting while others still struggle. I don’t know the answer to that. But I do know that if I can do it, and my husband can do it, ANYONE can. 

As amazing as all of this is, I still crave a cigarette on occasion. I don’t think that will ever go away completely. But I am stronger than any desire I’ll ever have for a cigarette! I just distract myself and the desire just goes away. Weirdly enough, I still smoke in my dreams sometimes. And I always wake up completely blown away by the fact that I am smoking. Thank God it’s just a dream!! 

So I will just end this post by saying, 3 Years Smoke Free for me! I am SO PROUD TO BE A QUITTER!  If you’re a smoker, you can be too! If you’re not a smoker, feel free to share my story with smoking friends and family to motivate them to quit. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

On to Round 2 - Weekend Recap with my Love

This past weekend was a fun one spent one on one with my love. We don’t get many weekends just the 2 of us due to his racing schedule/addiction. Lol! And with him being a business owner, he does end up working fairly often on the weekend. So Friday night, we had tickets to go see a Lee Brice, LANCO and Lewis Brice concert at Innsbrook Afterhours. We got there right after gates opened and propped our chairs up front row (behind the VIP section) which was awesome! Right as Lewis Brice finished up his set, it started to storm pretty badly. Of course, for liability reasons, the cops on duty kicked us all out of the fenced in area to wait out the storm. We left our chairs in hopes that our spot would be saved when coming back in. Which we were lucky and got right back in that spot. The concert was lots of fun with great music and singing our hearts out… plus on and off rain which kept us cool in this Virginia humidity. We heard LANCO (loveee!) and Lee Brice sang some of his more popular songs before lightning struck again making them call it a night.
Saturday, was partly cloudy and VERY cool for this time of year! We took the boat out for about 5 hours and soaked up the sun! We both got burnt pretty good since we couldn’t actually feel the sun on our skin until it was too late.
This book is amazing by the way.

After our boat ride, we went home, showered and got ready to go out to dinner at one of my FAVORITES! Maggiano’s! If you have one near you, definitely worth the extra cost for some wonderful Italian food. The weather being as beautiful as it was, we ate out on the patio and I had me a glass of Sangria.

We walked around the mall after, went into Lush for the first time and treated myself to some bath oils, bombs, and a hair treatment called ROOTS. Then went to Alex and Ani and got myself a new bracelet off the clearance table.

Sunday, Jonathan did have to work for a while. So I stayed home and cleaned house, did a few loads of laundry and worked in our home office getting some invoices sent out to customers. We REALLY spoiled ourselves with our meals this weekend (definitely didn’t stick to my Keto diet), and went out to Kabuto’s (Hibachi) for dinner. Our chef was great, and sang songs to us and cracked jokes the whole time. Sometimes you get a dud that doesn’t like to perform, but this guy most definitely earned his tips from the three couples he was cooking for. He said, "call me Black Panda." HAHAHA!
It was a wonderful weekend spent focusing on each other, and I loved every minute of it. Back to racing this upcoming weekend, so I have to soak up all the spoiling when I can.
Going to work on Monday morning is never fun, but I had to wake up super early for a blood draw. Plus my coworker is on vacation this week, so I am manning the office by myself. It can get pretty stressful and busy at times, but I am enjoying the peace of having the place to myself. Don't get me wrong, I love my coworker, but I think she likes hearing herself talk. She literally never shuts up! I hate saying that, but sometimes you just want to work in silence instead of being interrupted every 15 seconds by her chatting, or narrating every move she makes… or just making noises. Or saying the same things she says over and over and over again. I will say though, that since my miscarriage, I have really opened up to her about my struggle with infertility and its been a HUGE weight off my shoulders to have her know the complete 100% truth. She is super understanding about all of my appointments and even now more aware of the cause of my moodiness at times. Its been probably the best decision I could have made telling her the truth.

Anyways, round one of Femara 2.5mg did not work, and even though I had a few days in a slump of sadness and disappointment, I am ready to press onward! My Monday morning blood work confirmed for my doctor that I did not ovulate. She called me today at lunch time today to tell me our plan for round 2. First off, we are jumping right into 10 days of Prometrium to get a new cycle started. Then, I will be taking 5mg of Femara days 3-7 this time, and hoping that the stronger dose will make my ovaries do work! Feeling positive and hopeful, but trying to keep my hopes in check in case we don’t get the desired results. I am so pleased with my new OB. She always calls me personally, instead of having a nurse do it. And she is on board with keeping things moving, rather than waiting around until day 35 or later to get progressing to a new cycle.
I just want to say thank you to anyone who actually reads all this stuff I write. Sometimes I think I’m pretty weird for writing these posts for anyone (or no one) to see. But its actually pretty therapeutic, feeling like I am updating someone on my life. And if anything, I will be able to look back at these posts in the future and remember the journey to get where I am going. <3