
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

We got to see our BABY!

On November 9th, we went to my OB for our very first ultrasound/prenatal appointment. I was a complete bag of nerves all day leading up to the appointment. We actually got there 20 minutes early, and fortunately the ultrasound technician was ready to roll. I had all intentions of putting my cell on record in my purse, so we could at least record the heartbeat. But with my anxiety through the roof, and the tech standing on the other side of a curtain while I undressed and handed my pants to Jonathan, I didn’t get around to doing so. (We didn’t get to actually get to hear it.)

As soon as she began, I saw what I expected to see. Of course I had been googling images of 7 week ultrasounds, which is what I was supposed to be measuring based on ovulation/conception. She didn’t stay on the baby but for a moment and immediately wanted to check ovaries, cervix, placement, etc. Once she came back to baby, I saw the flicker! My body and mind finally relaxed. Going into the appointment, I had confidence that our baby was growing and healthy and had a beating heart, but nothing relieves you like actually seeing it with your own eyes. I’m guessing they had the sound turned off and I didn’t have the guts to ask her to turn it on. But baby’s heart rate was 127. <3 She finished clicking on the screen to take measurements and said “Okay were done.” I guess in her job, she’s not really able to say much.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t get emotional like I thought I was going to during the process. Not sure why. I guess I really just wanted to speak to my doctor and hear what she had to say before getting super excited. Well, they kept us waiting for what felt like forever before getting to see my doctor, but when she came in, of course she congratulated us and introduced herself to Jonathan. Everything looks good and she has really no concerns, except baby is measuring a little bit small. According to start of my last period, should have been 7w1d. Based on my calculations 6w6d. Baby measured 6w3d. She didn’t seem too concerned or worried once I told her when I ovulated, because at least that was a little bit closer than going off of LMP. Even so, she wants me to come back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound to measure again, and told me not to worry. (These measurements are of something so incredibly tiny, that where the technician clicks on the screen for top and bottom of baby could be the slightest bit off and can affect this.) Because of her comforting relaxed attitude about it, I am trying to have the same. TRYING! They finished my appointment with urine sample, 5 tubes of blood and sent me out the door with a HUGE bag of goodies. On our ride afterward, I went through the items in the bag. One thing in there had written on it “Welcome to the sisterhood of motherhood,” And that is what finally made me cry. This is really happening, I am finally pregnant, and I am going to have a little boy or girl that calls me “Momma”.

So, with our first ultrasound measurements, we have an approximate due date of July 3rd. A Firework baby!! Obviously this is subject to change when we measure once more on December 7th. She said we get our “official” due date at that time. So now we wait and we keep praying that baby continues growing and that measurements will look good at our next appointment. At which time, we also have opted to do the Noninvasive Prenatal Testing to check for certain genetic disorders… and to find out the gender!

Just a short update on symptoms. Nausea has begun. If I eat too much, if I get hungry, if I take too hot of a shower… pretty much all the time. It is off and on though, so I do have moments of relief. No puking yet, and I've only gagged over the toilet one time so far. I am hopeful that I will be lucky and not get sick at all! My jeans are too tight due to bloating, I have had to resort to the old hair tie trick to help out. I am peeing A LOT! I am SUPER emotional over everything. And I am having the most vivid dreams that wake me up all hours of the night. Once we get a little further along, I may start doing some “stats,” for my own record keeping. But for now, just trying to be healthy and stress free. And constantly give all the praise to God for this incredible blessing while asking him to keep me and our baby safe, healthy and growing.