
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Baby Martin – Due June 2019

We have almost made it to the end of the first trimester, and honestly it’s still so surreal to me. I am 11w6d today, and seems to me like most of my nausea has subsided. I still am not feeling too great after meals, and I am sleeping horribly. One issue I am currently having is crazy bad acne and the driest skin I’ve ever had. But for the most part, I feel like this has been an uneventful first trimester.

At my recent ultrasound/appointment on December 7th, my OB was so pleased that baby has completely caught up measurement wise and we moved up my due date! Instead of July 2nd, baby is officially due to arrive on June 27th, 2019. Now I know that babies have their own timelines on when they decide to arrive, but Jonathan and I were both excited about the change in date. For one, he’s a June baby. Second, baby will be due 2 days after our third wedding anniversary. Third, we have SOOOOO many friends with early July babies, not to mention the 4th of July. And we would really like for our baby to have their OWN day. Even if that doesn’t end up happening, it’s not a big deal, but what momma wants her baby to share their birthday with someone else? Or with America? Not me.  

Weight gain has been a sensitive topic for me. I have struggled to maintain a healthy weight for about 4 years now. Trying all the diets, weight up and down over and over again. Fertility meds adding to the struggle. Complete honesty here guys, I’ve gained 8lbs since the beginning of pregnancy & 25lbs since the beginning of summer. That’s a big jump for someone with a small frame. I am super self-conscious, and uncomfortable with the gain. I am the one that actually brought it up to my OB first, and she made me feel better. (Not about the 25lbs, but about the 8lbs.) She explained to me that while we do not want to continue gaining at the same rate, there are a lot of women that tend to gain more in the beginning due to the fact that eating more helps them to fight the sick feeling. She told me obviously to try to start making better choices now that I am starting to feel better. And also told me that women with PCOS are at a higher risk of gestational diabetes, so I really need to try to be mindful moving forward. But she actually said that if I hadn’t have brought it up, she would not have addressed weight gain and she is not worried at this time.
We did blood work during my appointment for the NIPT and could possibly have the results as early as this Friday! I am praying that it will find low risk on the chromosome abnormalities it checks for. And I am INCREDIBLY anxious to find out if baby is a boy or a girl! I really don’t have a preference either way, nor do I even have a “feeling” really of what they are. But for the purpose of guessing, I am officially going to guess it’s a boy. Reason, I had several vivid dreams earlier on, and kept count of girls vs boys. (Boys-6/Girls-3) But I will not leave out the fact that I have NEVER correctly guessed any of my friend’s children’s genders. Once the results are in, Jonathan and I will find out together. Then, we plan on keeping it between us until Christmas. We will share with the grandparents first, as a gift/surprise. And I am not confident in this, but thinking we will share our pregnancy and the gender at the same time on Christmas Eve/Day. Haven’t worked out timing and logistics yet, but would definitely like the grandparents to know before the world.

Not that this really matters to anyone but me, but we have picked out the names that our child will call each grandparent. Jonathan’s Mom will be Grandma. Jonathan’s Dad and Stepmom will be Pawpaw and Meemaw. My Dad and Stepmom will be Grandpa and Nana. Lastly, my Mom and her long-time significant other Ed, will be Granny and Pappy. I like the southern feel of the name Pappy, and while I want her boyfriend to be included as a grandparent, I wasn’t too keen on the idea of him being called Papa or Granddad. Nothing personal against him, just kind of how I feel. I discussed this sensitive topic with my mom recently after they had referred to him as Papa in conversation one time, and she completely understood and actually loves the name Pappy for him. Thank goodness!

I think that’s about all I have to update on at this time. Next baby appointment is on January 4th at 15 weeks. Which will not be an ultrasound, just a normal checkup I believe. I will update more along the way, and will share the gender with ya’ll after Christmas. Lastly, will be preparing my 2018 Year in Review post to get up on New Year’s Eve. I hope everyone is enjoying the Holiday Season so far. I finally added this special keepsake ornament to our tree last night, and I absolutely love it!

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