
Friday, February 8, 2019

20 Weeks Pregnant & Weekend Recap 2/2-2/4

As promised, I am getting a post up today! We have reached the halfway point of pregnancy, 20 WEEKS! Crazy to think it is halfway over already, but I am so thrilled to be so much closer to meeting our son.

We had our 20 Week Appointment/Anatomy Scan yesterday. It was so awesome getting to see our baby for the 3rd time now. Thinking it’s probably our last ultrasound with the OB (as long as everything continues going good), but Jonathan and I do want to do the 3D/4D ultrasound once we get a bit further along. So we will most likely go to an imaging place to have that done at some point.
Baby weighed in at 12oz, heartbeat 157 and measuring SPOT ON for his June 27th due date. Made me so proud that he is right on track. We got to see him wiggling all around, his little boy parts, his precious little feet and all the other good stuff. Fingers, arm and leg bones, 4 chambers of his heart, kidneys, diaphragm, skull, umbilical cord, etc. He seemed to really enjoy keeping his little hands up by his face, but we did manage to get a somewhat decent profile shot of him this time. Seeing his precious nose had me tearing up. (Oh how I hope he gets Jonathan’s cute nose and not my big one! Lol!)

We learned that my placenta is anterior, which I’ve read is ideal. My Dr did weigh me as usual and I am right at 20lbs gained, just like I thought. Not great, but she still didn’t seem worried or concerned. Just said to remain mindful. Maybe cut out pastas, breads and some sweets. Which I need to do anyways…trying to keep in mind that I have the glucose test in the next 2 months. And I realllyyyy want to pass! I did bring up the hand numbness and she said it is completely normal. Some women carry more water weight and swell more than others (Hi there! That's me!) and that this causes the Carpal Tunnel symptoms. Blood Pressure was just a smidgen high, but they said it’s most likely due to me not feeling very good.
Since Monday, my allergies have been going absolutely crazy! Apparently tree pollen is high in my area right now due to this brief warm up we’ve had in VA. Usually I don’t start taking my daily allergy pill until March so I haven’t had that in me. (I’ve since started once a day Claritin.) But when I say I have bad allergies, I mean BAD! Slam clogged up, can’t breathe, sinus pressure, headaches, constant nose blowing… BAD. Benadryl doesn’t help at all, and since being pregnant has me limited on what I can actually use, I went ahead and ordered me a Navage Nasal Irrigation thingy to give a try… it should arrive on my doorstep today. It sure does look intimidating, but the reviews are awesome. Especially from fellow seasonal allergy sufferers. I am anxious and nervous to give it a try this evening in hopes of finding some relief!

Other happenings: Saturday 2/2 was the Champions Banquet for Richmond Dragway, it was our second year attending. Jonathan’s 3rd year coming in the top 10, even if he just barely squeezed in there this year with 10th place. Its such a nice event to be able to recognize the all the winners from the previous season and honor fellow racers for various awards. Plus getting to see all of our racing friends/family. Some we don’t see at all during the off season, so it’s a great chance to socialize and just catch up with the people we spend majority of our spring, summer and fall weekends with.
The Wilson Family is just a few of our closest friends at the track. They have pretty much adopted Jonathan into the family as a part of “Last Straw Racing.” They are really an awesome group of people that would do anything for you and just have been wonderful to get to know over the past couple years. Clark’s wife Katie and I have become such great friends and I feel so lucky to have her to talk to during both of our pregnancies. (Her little boy due in March.) They will definitely grow up together at the track and will one day, in the FAR future, be each other’s friendly competition in Jr. Dragsters.

Sunday we went to Applebee’s for lunch with my Dad, Stepmom and Grandma to celebrate my Dad’s birthday. He turned 55 on 2/4.

The rest of the day, Jonathan and I BOTH took a nap and then I got up to cook dinner and get ready to watch the Superbowl. Not a fan of either team really, but I always enjoy halftime and the commercials. Also, wanted to share that my Enso Rings came in and I absolutely LOVE them. I've been lost without my wedding rings and was so happy to put this comfy colorful stack in their place. I highly recommend them to anyone that is pregnant and experiencing swelling and weight gain like I am. Or if you just want to switch it up and not wear the fancy diamonds all the time.

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