
Monday, January 8, 2018

Weekend Recap : 1/4-1/8

It SNOWED! Last Wednesday night into Thursday we got about 5 inches at my house, which was enough to give me a snow day off from work. I was so happy to have that day. I would say I LOVE snow, but it would kind of be a lie. I love how pretty the snow is and I love when I get a snow day off from work, but I don't actually care to spend time out in the snow at all. Too cold!
Since I had the day off, I was able to get so much done around the house. I cleaned our bedroom from top to bottom, changed sheets, dusted, vacuumed, did laundry, reorganized Jonathan's dresser and put away all of his summer clothes (late I know). I was so happy with how much I accomplished I decided to take it easy the remaining part of the day and watched two movies, "Personal Shopper" and "Get Out."
Friday, I did have to return to work but it was a good day. And since it didn't feel like Friday, that made it even better. I also worked Friday evening in our home office for about 3 hours. I had to close out everything for the end of 2017 so we can prepare for tax time.
Saturday, Jonathan and I decided we would just spend the day together. We went to the bank and post office, got breakfast, then decided to ride around and just look at the snow. We first went to the local boat landing so we could see the ice floating on the James River. It wasn't completely iced over, but was still cool to see.
Made me sad though because here locally, we just had 2 young men go missing on the river. They went out on Wednesday to repair some duck blinds; I am guessing the wind must have flipped their boat. Rescue efforts the next day were difficult due to weather, but eventually those rescue efforts became a recovery mission. They are now looking for bodies because there is no way the pair would have survived with how cold it has been, especially if they were thrown into the water. I went to high school with one of the guys, didn't know him personally. Just had me thinking about them as we were looking at the ice on the river. I know their families world's are falling apart and I cannot help but to hurt for them. Breaks my heart to know that more than likely, these two boys are dead, and their families don't even have bodies to bury at this point.
After leaving there, we went to Battlefield Park to ride through there and see a few trenches. It was way to cold to get out and walk around, so we just made a short drive through. I've always found American History to be very exciting and fascinating, so its always a treat to ride through and talk about the Civil War fought, pretty much right in our backyard.
 We were going to continue riding around for pleasure, but Jonathan got a service call and had to go to work. The rest of the day was spent lazing around the house and dinner at the Shake Shop/Sandston Bistro.
Sunday, we woke up around 10. It was too late for us to shower and get ready for church. I've been feeling a disconnect lately and I think its because I have not been to church in a while. We also have missed several Bible studies over the last few weeks because of work/sickness/life. I am needing to refocus and realign myself. We do plan on attending study this Thursday, and I am so looking forward to it. Since, we didn't go to church Sunday and since Jonathan has been going stir crazy with the cold weather, we decided to shop/window shop. We went and got lunch at the mall, they have the best Teriyaki Chicken! Then we went to Green Top, Bass Pro, Marshalls and Best Buy! I bought a few things for the house, spring décor mostly. Jonathan bought us a 4K movie player and two movies. He also needed a new Carhartt jacket since his zipper broke on his other one. Being someone who works inside of freezers, in attics and on the roofs of buildings, he has to stay in a nice work coat that will hold up to rough wear and tear. After shopping, home to laze around the house some more. All in all it was an uneventful weekend.

I finished taking the 5 days of Clomid on Sunday, so I am ready to get things going! Pretty uneventful this go around. I am thinking its because I knew what to expect while taking it. I had a couple headaches, a couple hot flashes, some moodiness and a few small/quick pains in the ovary area. I know the cramps/twinges will more than likely just increase over the next few days, and I am just praying that I actually ovulate like I am supposed to!

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