
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Weekend Recap - Easter Weekend

This past weekend was an extended one since my boss is kind enough to let us be closed on Good Friday. For years now I have gone to a Good Friday Mud Bog! If you aren't from the south you probably have never heard of such, but its something that we do for fun around these parts. I went with my girlfriend Megan and her other half, and met up a while later with my friend Amanda who was also there.

We had such a fun time and I was able to see so many people that I don't see all the time. I ran into a couple girls that I went to high school with. One of them in particular had been posting on Facebook recently a few "incognito" things that led me to believe she is also struggling with infertility. Now I wasn't positive on this, but I smiled at her and said "I think you and I might be going through something very similar in our lives right now." She immediately said that I was right and we gave each other the biggest hug and talked briefly about where we were at in our journey. We both shared that we had experienced a loss (she's had 2), and just took comfort in knowing that we are not alone in this. Its strange how something so common is also at the same time, not often talked about openly. There are SO MANY WOMEN going through infertility, child loss or pregnancy loss that need the support of others. And even the women who are just getting started with trying to grow a family that have no idea how rocky that road will be ahead of them, they also need support and encouragement. We are all connected by that same desire to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. This kind of thing is so much more common than any of us even really know. Wether its 1 in 8, or 1 in 4, or whatever the true ratio may be, its actually amazing how many women you interact with on a daily basis that have been in your shoes or in a similar pair.

I am feeling stronger everyday, and it shows by the fact that I was able to openly discuss my loss with another woman... in public. Because of the comfort and support I have received from other women who have been so open with me, I am hopeful that sharing my story will also provide comfort to another woman on her journey.

Saturday was race day! First points race of the season, and Jonathan's first time driving the new truck he's been working on. He was so nervous, as was I. You never know quite exactly what a new motor is going to do the first time you push the gas to the floor and hold it there. I never would've guess that Jonathan would hit a perfect "trip zip" light on his first pass, but that's exactly what he did! The truck ran great and was consistent all day. Jonathan did lose in round 3, but all in all it was an awesome first points race of the year. We are so excited that it is racing season again and we will be able to spend time at the track with all of our friends.

Easter Sunday, we woke up early and I got to work making two new recipes I found. One for corned beef hash (didn't come out great) and another for Eggs Benedict Casserole (was so yummy!!) for brunch at my mom's. I was a little disappointed that they planned an 11 o'clock brunch this year, because that kind of interrupted our church plans. But I love my family, and was glad I was able to see my Granny and my cousins. I did make the suggestion to do a late lunch next year, that way Jonathan and I can still attend assembly beforehand (our church doesn't currently have "early service").

I have been trying to work on my courage when it comes to sharing my faith and just pray that God continues to work in me through his Spirit to help me be bold and brave and share the wonderful news that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected, just as he said would happen. I am so extremely grateful for all of the gifts God has blessed me with in this life. I will be forever amazed by the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross so that all of my sins (and yours) could be forgiven. Thank you God, for your perfect plan, that has been in place for my life from the very beginning.

Romans 6:3-5 New International Version (NIV)
3 Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. 5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.

If you ever have any questions about Scripture and the truth in what the Bible says, I encourage you to take it upon yourself, open your Bible and read the truth. If there is something you don't quite understand, ask someone. If you are feeling unsure about what someone is telling you, consult someone else. You WILL feel convicted in knowing the truth. If you are seeking the truth, you will find it.

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