
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Our Babymoon - Charleston, SC

Just wanted to get up a post to document our Babymoon in Charleston. It was an absolutely wonderful trip with good food, exploring and much needed relaxation. We even took a lonnngg nap one day! I promise not to overshare on the food photos, but I am going to share the names of all of the wonderful places we ate, since food was one of the main attractions for us. I didn’t have a bad meal the whole time we were there, which for me was big since it was the last week of me not tracking carbs before my gestational diabetes class. I tried to make some good food choices but could not deprive myself while on our last little vacation, just the two of us. Anywho, let me get started.
We stayed 4 nights at the Fulton Lane Inn in the heart of Charleston at King and Market. We booked the Cathedral Suite, and I absolutely loved everything about the place. I cannot say anything negative except that I wish their in-room continental breakfast had more options. I was fine with the healthy choices, but Jonathan would have enjoyed something a little heartier if available.
Once we checked in and settled, we were hungry from our 7 hour drive. So first night I just had to eat at Bubba Gump Shrimp. I absolutely love the movie Forrest Gump and actually watched it while packing the day before we left. Hushpuppies, Shrimp Po Boy for me and Crab legs for Jonathan. 
Then back to hotel for me to lounge in the jetted tub for awhile. (I kept the water cool enough to be safe.)
Our first full day was spent checking off two things on my pregnancy wish list. We had a 4D Ultrasound done at Bond With Baby in Mt. Pleasant. It was so amazing seeing our baby boy’s face and to see him moving around, yawning, and scrunching up his forehead. He kept his little hand up in his face majority of the 40 minutes, but we managed to get some awesome shots when he would stretch or briefly give us a good view.

Lunch afterwards was at the best BBQ place we have ever eaten. Melvin’s also in Mt. Pleasant is a must in my opinion.
I had booked a session with Abbey Medley Photography to meet with us at Folly Beach at 6 to take our Maternity Photos. She was wonderful, professional and had all the poses for myself and Jonathan, so that we didn’t even have to think about it. I highly recommend her if you’re in the area! Will share her photos in my next post. I absolutely LOVE them. Once we finished, Jonathan and I walked the beach a while and he took this one of me, made me feel so beautiful.
That evening we were late finally getting out to eat. We went to Fleet Landing Bar and Restaurant. It was packed, so we lucked out and found two open seats at the bar. Menu wasn’t a huge selection but I had the Mixed Green Salad with Seared Shrimp. Delicious! Since we had kept telling baby we would give him ice cream during the ultrasound if he would just cooperate, we had to keep our promise. <3  After dinner, we walked to Belgian Gelato and I had the Chocolate Hazelnut Cone… and oh my Jesus… It tasted just like the little Ferrero Rocher Chocolates. I am drooling just thinking about it.
Tuesday morning we woke up and had breakfast at Sweetwater CafĂ©. 
Afterwards, we visited the South Carolina Aquarium. It wasn’t too crowded and had a lot to see. The rescued Bald Eagle and Sea Turtles were my favorites.

For lunch we went to this little place called The Griffon. Coolest little joint COVERED in dollar bills, with the friendliest staff and quick service. My Reuben and pasta salad was sooooo yummy.

Tuesday was also a day of rest for us. We went back to our room and napped for 3 whole hours, and was very nice to do so. We got ready and dressed for dinner and made our way to Sticky Fingers for some ribs. Together, we did the platter for two, and ate a whole two racks. I did receive a couple compliments/laughs for the shirt I wore.
Again, jetted tub to unwind for the evening before bed and to soak my poor swollen feet.
Wednesday was our last full day to enjoy. I really wanted to check out a popular breakfast place called Toast before our scheduled tour with Palmetto Carriage Works. When we showed up, there was a pile of people waiting outside the door for a table. We figured we would get our name on the list if it wasn’t too long. We were told 15-20 minutes, no biggie. But the owner saw us giving our name and I guess with my belly showing she wanted to take care of me, and had our name moved to the top of the list. I was blown away by her kindness and felt flattered to be catered to a little. Definitely wished we had eaten breakfast there every day. While I behaved and had fruit, yogurt and toast, the table beside us ordered the extra thick Deluxe French Toast that looked to die for. After seeing it, Jonathan and I both kinda wished we had been bad instead.

Carriage Ride was very nice with about 16 of us on board. The gentleman that was our tour guide was wonderful and kept us laughing the whole time while Tom and Jerry leisurely strolled through Ansonborough.

On our walk back to the hotel, we stopped in at the fancy Peninsula Grill to pick up a slice of their famous Ultimate Coconut Cake to enjoy that evening. Definitely worth the $13 if you love coconut like I do. Then we got ready to ride about 30 minutes away to Johns Island to see the Angel OakTree. It is estimated to be about 500-600 years old and was amazing to see in person. Pictures to not do it any justice on just how massive it is. 

The last meal we had was at the Charleston Crab House. Finally got me some crab legs of my own to enjoy with the Snowcrab Steampot. It also had potatoes, corn and sausage in it seasoned perfectly. Last night with a jetted tub at my disposal, I dropped in a Lush bathbomb that I had been hanging on to for a special occasion. Boy do I sure wish we had one of the tubs at home. And then we had that amazing slice of cake.
We woke up Thursday morning, had some raisin bran for me and pastries for Jonathan delivered to the room so we could stay in and pack up. We had a long ride ahead of us and Jonathan was so sweet to drive the entire time so I could sit back and relax.
Charleston was such a wonderful place to visit for our Babymoon. Everything we ate was wonderful and in walking distance from our hotel. We truly had an incredible experience everywhere we went. I am so glad that we decided to take the trip just the two of us, to be husband and wife together on vacation one last time before we become Mommy and Daddy to our precious little boy. Things sure will be different soon and I feel so blessed for all of the miraculous things that are happening in my life.

Friday, April 12, 2019

29 Weeks Pregnant - Gestational Diabetes

Good news to report on from my last appointment. I have lost 2 lbs since changing my diet (for hypertension). My doctor was so pleased with that. My Blood Pressure meds are working and keeping things under control. No protein in urine. Holding on to hope that we will avoid the scary preeclampsia altogether. Due to the medicine I am on, we are now going to be having weekly appointments. I did get the go ahead from my Dr to go on our babymoon. So when we return, I have an Ultrasound on the 23rd, then a Non-stress test on the 30th. And we will be checking in every week until the end.

Yep, not only is the gestational hypertension getting me, but the diabetes is as well. I failed my 1hr glucose screening miserably. The cut off for passing is 140 or below… I was 206. Terrible. Of course my Dr is on vacation so I haven’t yet been able to discuss next steps directly with her. But they are already referring me to a gestational diabetes clinic to learn what I should be eating. They didn’t even mention a 3hr test. I assume that is because with a number as high as mine, it would almost be a waste of time.

I know I am not perfect by no means, but honestly I am a fairly good eater. And the fact that I failed so badly makes me feel like diet change alone is not going to be enough to help. And exercise is something I am not sure I am allowed to do much of with my hypertension. (I will be asking about that.) Mentally I am trying to prepare myself with the mind frame that I will need to start insulin. Or maybe with my PCOS I may be able to try Metformin? Not sure, will have to wait for my Dr to return to the office and speak with her about what my next steps are. Shots don’t scare me, giving myself a shot it another story. We will just have to cross that bridge when we get to it.

With that being said, I was a big cry baby when I got the news. Not so much because of the diabetes, but simply because it just feels like my body is starting to let me down. Infertility made me doubt my body so much to begin with, now finally pregnant and my body is just not doing so great. And I have no control. I feel like I just wasn’t made for pregnancy. But then I am reminded that I wouldn’t be 29 weeks pregnant now if this wasn’t already a part of my story that’s been written. God already knows how everything is going to turn out for me. At the same time, He also knows my baby boy's story from beginning to end. He is watching over the both of us and I know in my heart that we will get through this. I just pray that we make it to a point where baby is healthy enough and weighs enough, that if/when he comes, we go home from the hospital together. An extended NICU stay is what I think my biggest fear is at this point if he was to have to come early. While I know he would be in the best hands, no Mom wants to leave her baby at the hospital while she goes home.

Jonathan and I leave for Charleston, SC on Sunday. Our much needed Babymoon. I cannot wait to just get away and relax. We have a couple fun things already planned. A 4D Ultrasound on Monday morning, followed by Maternity Pictures that evening. I cannot wait to see his little face on the ultrasound, really hoping he cooperates and also looks perfectly healthy. I wonder if the tech will be able to estimate how much he might weigh. I am also very excited to be doing maternity photos. It was something I wasn’t sure I wanted, because I don’t feel too good about my physical appearance currently. But I would more than likely regret it if I didn’t have them done. Jonathan has said for a while that he only wants one child, and as of this time, I am completely on that same page. I don't foresee us going through any medicated cycles in the future, so unless God has other plans, this baby boy will be our one and only. <3 So I definitely feel the need to document this time in my life and do all the things, as this is likely the one time I will have this experience. And I do want to be able to look back on it, not only at the difficulties I am facing, but at how beautiful of a time this is. My dreams are finally coming true. I am a Mom and absolutely cannot wait to meet our son.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

28 Week Update - Gestational Hypertension - Other Happenings

We have finally made it to the third trimester! And I am starting to feel the pressure of pregnancy. I am thrilled to have made it this far without anything significant happening. Until now. Last Wednesday night, I had finished cooking dinner and went in the livingroom to sit down and eat (yes we are those people). Well while watching Family Feud, I was seeing like a blinking/floater type thing in just one spot of my vision. This worried me, so after dinner I decided to check my blood pressure. 147/102. Not good. I was able to relax, prop up my feet awhile and it did come down to 123/85, but still seeing it that high had me VERY worried. I am a usual 120/80 person, and had been checking on occasion, which it had been a little bit elevated previously, but nothing like that. Next morning I continued to monitor it, 138/100, 145/95, 137/95 … not going down. So I called my OB who told me to come in at 3:30 to be checked out. They also had high readings checking me… so immediately Dr told me, "You’re not going to work tomorrow and you are starting BP meds tonight." Of course she talked about all the scary things, hospital stay, early delivery, NICU, this possibly developing into Preeclampsia at any given moment. Urine test showed fine while there, but she ordered a full work up to check my blood as well. And told me I would need to come in Monday AM to check BP again before finding out if I could return to work. I walked to my car extremely upset and scared and overwhelmed with all the fears and shock. I boohooed on the phone to Jonathan, then proceeded to call my mom and do the same to her. When I got home, I immediately got comfy on the couch and took my first dose.
Dr. called me Friday to tell me my bloodwork came back normal, and to see how I was feeling and what BP was. It was lower but not where she wanted it, so she had me double the dose. (200g 2x a day). Side effects have lessened now that I think my body has adjusted, but at first it had me soooo sleepy. Felt like I was kind of in slow motion. Heavy feeling on my chest. And INCREDIBLY painful nipples for about 30 minutes to an hour after taking it. The nipple thing is still happening but everything else has become less noticeable. And Hallelujah it is working. Monday morning had it down to 126/84 and that was with my stress level pretty high from nerves, so they let me return to work.

Being 28 weeks today, I am feeling glad to still be doing well and have been praying constantly that the Blood Pressure stays controlled, that this doesn’t develop into Pre-E and that I stay pregnant as long as possible so baby boy can continue to grow. Most of my reading/googling shows that women with high BP usually induce around 37 weeks. So mentally I am preparing myself to only have 9 weeks to go. There is the occasional one that says she went to 39, or even until their due date. But those are few and far between. Once induction gets brought up by my Dr, I will make it known that I would prefer to wait as long as possible before doing so, and ask her what the exact risks we are facing if we wait. But mostly I just want baby to have as much time as possible inside me as long as he is thriving.
Next on the list is my glucose tolerance test. I am 5 days out from the big test day and staying hopeful that I will pass. My fingers and toes are crossed, but with the amount of weight I have gained, I guess I won’t be surprised if I have to come back for the 3hr test. Although I could really use a win right now to boost my spirits. I’m emotional, worried and fearful of what could happen. Sometimes, like yesterday, I was just so teary after getting off work, I almost started crying to my chiropractor when giving him the most recent update. And Jonathan had to do some consoling and comforting once I got home.

Once I have my appointment next week, I will be sure to give an update on if I pass, current weight gain and IF we get approval from my OB to go on our babymoon to Charleston the following week. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! I NEED THIS GETAWAY!

Other updates, our bedroom is complete and we have moved back in. While we are now back to working on baby’s room. New subfloor is down, and trim was completed yesterday. Painter comes Friday and lastly carpet has been ordered! I cannot wait for the nursery to be done with construction so I can set up the crib, start organizing the closet, putting some clothes away, and I can hang the couple of things I have purchased so far for his room.
We still have to buy a dresser and glider, and that will really be it as far as big things go. I am anxious for my baby shower to arrive so we can get the last things that are actual must haves and get those set up and ready to bring home a baby. The bassinet being the biggest thing I am anxious to get.
I cannot believe that we will be mailing out invitations soon for MY baby shower. It seems so surreal. I will be 34 weeks at that time, so really going to be cutting it close for getting things done. But I am staying positive that God is taking care of me and baby and that we will make it to 37 weeks or later! I have to stay in that mind frame until I have reason not to, or I start to get all worked up.

A couple weeks ago, Mom and I made our annual trip to the Southern Women’s Show! Which was a wonderful time as always, shopping and snacking and doing some needed walking. I tell you though, my body was exhausted after all that walking. All kinds of aches and pains! But I made it through the whole event, which I am proud to say. That evening she, my Granny and I took Ed out to dinner for his birthday… my favorite, Maggianos. Look at that plate of Mozzarella!

Racing season is back in full swing and things are going really good so far with the truck. Jonathan was able to get his first ever win at Virginia Motorsports Park on 3/24. I was sadly not there for that race, but really needed to be home taking it easy since it was the day after the Women’s show. And then last weekend, 1st points race of the year at Richmond Dragway, he was able to runner up! Woohoo! I was able to make it up there around 7:30 after being on the sofa resting for over 36 hours and seeing my BP come down more with the higher dose. Baby Bump and I were so excited to get to be in the picture!