
Friday, April 12, 2019

29 Weeks Pregnant - Gestational Diabetes

Good news to report on from my last appointment. I have lost 2 lbs since changing my diet (for hypertension). My doctor was so pleased with that. My Blood Pressure meds are working and keeping things under control. No protein in urine. Holding on to hope that we will avoid the scary preeclampsia altogether. Due to the medicine I am on, we are now going to be having weekly appointments. I did get the go ahead from my Dr to go on our babymoon. So when we return, I have an Ultrasound on the 23rd, then a Non-stress test on the 30th. And we will be checking in every week until the end.

Yep, not only is the gestational hypertension getting me, but the diabetes is as well. I failed my 1hr glucose screening miserably. The cut off for passing is 140 or below… I was 206. Terrible. Of course my Dr is on vacation so I haven’t yet been able to discuss next steps directly with her. But they are already referring me to a gestational diabetes clinic to learn what I should be eating. They didn’t even mention a 3hr test. I assume that is because with a number as high as mine, it would almost be a waste of time.

I know I am not perfect by no means, but honestly I am a fairly good eater. And the fact that I failed so badly makes me feel like diet change alone is not going to be enough to help. And exercise is something I am not sure I am allowed to do much of with my hypertension. (I will be asking about that.) Mentally I am trying to prepare myself with the mind frame that I will need to start insulin. Or maybe with my PCOS I may be able to try Metformin? Not sure, will have to wait for my Dr to return to the office and speak with her about what my next steps are. Shots don’t scare me, giving myself a shot it another story. We will just have to cross that bridge when we get to it.

With that being said, I was a big cry baby when I got the news. Not so much because of the diabetes, but simply because it just feels like my body is starting to let me down. Infertility made me doubt my body so much to begin with, now finally pregnant and my body is just not doing so great. And I have no control. I feel like I just wasn’t made for pregnancy. But then I am reminded that I wouldn’t be 29 weeks pregnant now if this wasn’t already a part of my story that’s been written. God already knows how everything is going to turn out for me. At the same time, He also knows my baby boy's story from beginning to end. He is watching over the both of us and I know in my heart that we will get through this. I just pray that we make it to a point where baby is healthy enough and weighs enough, that if/when he comes, we go home from the hospital together. An extended NICU stay is what I think my biggest fear is at this point if he was to have to come early. While I know he would be in the best hands, no Mom wants to leave her baby at the hospital while she goes home.

Jonathan and I leave for Charleston, SC on Sunday. Our much needed Babymoon. I cannot wait to just get away and relax. We have a couple fun things already planned. A 4D Ultrasound on Monday morning, followed by Maternity Pictures that evening. I cannot wait to see his little face on the ultrasound, really hoping he cooperates and also looks perfectly healthy. I wonder if the tech will be able to estimate how much he might weigh. I am also very excited to be doing maternity photos. It was something I wasn’t sure I wanted, because I don’t feel too good about my physical appearance currently. But I would more than likely regret it if I didn’t have them done. Jonathan has said for a while that he only wants one child, and as of this time, I am completely on that same page. I don't foresee us going through any medicated cycles in the future, so unless God has other plans, this baby boy will be our one and only. <3 So I definitely feel the need to document this time in my life and do all the things, as this is likely the one time I will have this experience. And I do want to be able to look back on it, not only at the difficulties I am facing, but at how beautiful of a time this is. My dreams are finally coming true. I am a Mom and absolutely cannot wait to meet our son.

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