
Monday, May 6, 2019

32 Weeks Pregnant

I am now 32 weeks and its time for an update on how things are going.

Blood Pressure – It was a little bit high at my last appointment 130/90. But thinking that was because I had been waiting a while since she was a bit behind schedule and because I was the only one running the office that day so I had pressure on me to get to work to open the office and take care of everything. She decided to leave my Labetalol dose (200mg 2x a day) the same for now. Hoping at my next appointment BP is maybe a little lower to keep those concerns at bay.
NST – We had our first one done last week and passed. It took about 35 minutes, but glad they seemed pleased with the results baby boy was giving them.

Gestational Diabetes - I have managed to keep good numbers 98% of the time for the last 2 weeks. Yippee, NO INSULIN! (for now) My doctor was so pleased at last week’s appointment, especially since I have mostly managed to keep my fasting number below 90. Other numbers look really good too. I have lost 2 pounds, which she said is always proof to her that someone is doing the diet properly. They stop gaining and some people lose a little. Total Weight gain at this point is 37lbs. I have gotten completely used to pricking my fingers now and have even gotten to the point that I am not actually always adding up the grams of carbs because I kind of know what I should and shouldn’t be doing for food, portions etc.
Foods I’ve been eating
Breakfast: Eggs + Cheese + Veggie Sausage, Cheerios + Milk, Half of a Whole Grain Udi’s Bagel + Advocado Spread + Egg + Cheese, Occasionally Coffee + Creamer when I am super sleepy, Turkey + Cheese Omlett.
Daytime Snacks: Cuties, Almonds, PB Nut Bars, Oikos 000 Yogurt, Sprouted Toast + PB, Cheese + Crackers, Carrots + Hummus, Boost Glucose Control Drink.
Lunch: Subway, Grilled Chicken Chick Fil A, Lots of Salads, Leftovers from previous night’s dinner.
Dinner: Steak + Veggie, Birdseye Veggie Pastas, Chicken, Taco on Low Carb Wrap, Atkins Frozen Meals, Real Good Frozen Meals, Salads, Cauliflower Crust Pizza. (I always add some sore of veggie alongside dinner.)
Drinks: Water ONLY, except that occasional Coffee for breakfast, or a Boost Glucose Control for snack.
Bedtime Snacks: These are tricky. Pretty much I have to eat them really late, like right before going to sleep. I’ve done Carb Smart Fudge Bars, Yasso Fudge Brownie Bars, Girl Scout’s Lemonades (2), PB Toast + Cinnamon, Banana Bread. But honestly some of my better fasting numbers have come from Small Slices of someone’s birthday cake, or a bowl of non-low carb ice cream. Almost like the extra fat + carbs keeps it level overnight instead of having that swing effect from too low of carb and my body releasing more glucose from not eating.

I’m not too sure about how it all works or if I am even using the right terminology, but so far what I am doing is working. I’ve read online that it will get harder around 34-36 weeks, so I am sure some things that work for me now might not continue working as we progress. Just hoping for the best and proud of myself and my body for being strict and mindful and doing what is necessary to take care of my baby.

I have gotten pretty used to the swelling I experience, hot days make things a little worse. My heels are pretty sore in the evening from the extra weight. I don’t fit in my bath tub too well for leg shaving anymore, plus its hard to get up and down from places that low. I still managed to get the job done this weekend, haha!
Kicks/Movement are starting to be a bit startling on occasion. If I am laying down, it can actually be a little painful if he gets me in the right spot.
My back is starting to give me a little trouble if I stand for too long, but I expected it would happen eventually with me having scoliosis. Other aches and pains are present as well. Sleeping isn't the best. Stretch marks are definitely present on my lower tummy and the back sides of my hips. I am sure I will have plenty more pop up in these last few weeks, but really they haven't bothered me. I knew I would get them. So just have to embrace them. I can’t really think of much else to bring up as far as pregnancy update goes.
In other news, HOME REMODELING IS DONE! Our guy finished our livingroom on Saturday and I could not be any more thrilled than I am. We actually got done everything we wanted to before baby boy comes. Will take some pictures to share on my next post, we still have a few things to rehang on the walls. My baby shower is in two weeks and I will be so happy to see everyone, as well as so grateful of their love and gifts for my child. 
We put together baby boy’s crib last night! My heart just might explode with joy that everything is coming together and in time for me to do my nesting.

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