
Friday, May 31, 2019

My Baby Shower and Pregnancy Update

Wanted to come on here and give an update on this past month of pregnancy. While fairly boring, we have done a lot as far as preparing and getting ready. Working on the nursery, having my baby shower, washing all his clothes, sheets, blankets, etc…. and now just trying to finalize everything around the house so we are ready to bring him home. I have been lazy and haven’t yet packed my hospital bag…which is on my to-do list for this weekend.
Baby boy has continued to pass his weekly NSTs with flying colors. My Blood pressure is still being well controlled by medicine. And my blood glucose, while I’ve had some random high numbers here and there, is continuing to keep my Dr satisfied without needing insulin yet. I have gained a couple more pounds in the last month, putting total weight gain now at 41 lbs. Oh well, what’s a hungry pregnant girl to do? Momma’s gotta eat!

Our ultrasound on 5/21 (34w5d) baby looked great, and smushed wayyyyy down low. They estimated his weight at 5lbs 7oz, which my doctor said it right on where he needs to be and he is no longer measuring ahead. This made me happy to know that my diet control is working and keeping him from getting too big. I am still hopeful that he will be tiny enough at birth to fit into a couple of the precious size newborn outfits he received. But if not, that’s okay too! A chunky little man is just as wonderful! We didn’t get too many size newborn, and majority I have left the tags on, just in case to be exchanged for a size up if we need to. My OB also checked me at that appointment and while head is low and in position, my cervix was still closed. We passed the Group B Strep test, yay! And will be checked again next week at my 37 week appointment.

While my Doctor continues to say she “hopes” to get me to 39 weeks, Jonathan and I do not want to be forced into induction too early. We feel that if he is good and my BP is good, then there is no reason to do so. We both think that when she decides to bring up induction, we are going to tell her our wishes to wait until our due date to do so and see what the risks are. I know Doctors know best, but if they just want to schedule inductions to better work with their schedules, I am not comfortable with that. I will be fine with whichever Dr is there for delivery if mine is not able to do it.

Physically, I feel good. Tired and a little uncomfortable. Pretty sure I am feeling Braxton Hicks contractions on occasion, but nothing painful. Just kinda stops me in my tracks sometimes. My last NST did catch a contraction happening, although I didn’t feel it that I know of. Sleeping is getting more difficult, but I think it’s a good thing that I am preparing now for the little sleep I will be getting and constant waking that will be necessary when he finally arrives.

While I am hoping to obviously get a couple more pregnancy updates posted on here before his arrival, we just now wait and see what I am able to manage in the next couple weeks. Will update if I have the time and energy. He honestly could decide to come any time, so really I just wanna do all the relaxing I possibly can until then.

Here is a photo dump from my baby shower and more happenings during that last month…

The day before my baby shower, I had to get Pampered


The Big Day, full of so much love from dear friends and family. My mom and girlfriends did such an amazing job working together to put on such a perfect event for me and my baby boy.




While I wish I had gotten pictures with everyone, here are some of the wonderful women in my life that have always supported me, starting with my Momma.




and hunnie made it home from the race track in time to help unload everything. <3 

My Mother-in-Law's Birthday

Dinner/Birthday Celebrations with dear Friends

Working on Baby Boy's Nursery
 I am a Led Zeppelin freak...

And some Bump Shots!

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