
Monday, August 1, 2016

Weekend Recap 6/29-7/31

Monday is here again, and I am still wishing it was the weekend. Friday evening after work, I went by the store “Tuesday Morning,” and did a little shopping to kill some time. I had never been to Tuesday Morning before, but had heard some wonderful things about it and I had been dying to check it out. I got us a new set of serving utensils, some stain spray, and a pack of pretty file folders (this girl loves her some cute office supplies). It seemed more like an overstock store that got the leftovers from other stores, but the prices were awesome!

After browsing around for a little while, I got out of there and headed to Mexico Restaurant to meet with a girlfriend of mine for dinner and some much needed girl talk over drinks. I ordered myself the Jumbo Piña Colada. After the long work week, it was a very well deserved treat. For dinner I ordered the shrimp quesadilla which hit the spot. After dinner, I went home and spent the rest of the evening relaxing on the sofa and watching TV.

Saturday morning, Jonathan let me sleep in a little while. When I woke up, he was working on getting our new boat ready to go for a test drive. We bought it from a friend about 2 weeks ago. It needed A WHOLE LOT of work, but with patience and the help of family, he was able to get it fixed up and ready to ride. It has been a while since we pulled the motor out of our last boat, and even longer since we went for a cruise on the James River. Man, how I had missed the wind blowing in my hair!

We had waited out a heavy storm before taking it out, but it still seemed there was a chance of more while we were out. Every now and then a few raindrops would start falling and since there is no cover on our boat, we took shelter under the 895 bridge until it passed. She was running great and we were so relieved for that since we had invested quite a bit of money getting her all fixed up. WELL WORTH IT!

Saturday evening, I took some time to FINALLY upload pictures from our honeymoon in St. Thomas. Better late than never I guess. I’ll share some more pictures from our honeymoon in my next post. But here is a small sneak peak for yah.

Sunday morning I slept in again while Jonathan went to work fixing vehicles for a couple different people. I swear, I married the kindest, most giving man on this planet. He is always working on something for somebody. Everyone always comes to him asking for help, and he would never turn anyone down unless he genuinely was not sure how to fix it. He got 2 different vehicles up and running this weekend, while working on our boat and still having some time to help me out around the house. I am the luckiest girl in the world.

Once I finally woke up, he was in the garage with my mom’s boyfriend hard at work. I headed over to momma’s house to spend the morning with her. We made a wonderful breakfast of scrambled eggs and cheese, wheat toast, cantaloupe and tomato. It was so good! 

And we finished cooking in time to watch the First Baptist Church on TV. Mom watches every Sunday, and I have told her that she needs to wake up early enough to go in person someday. It is the church that my Granny would always take me to when I was younger. Its very pretty and the message is always very heartfelt and well delivered.

After church, we headed back to my house and helped the guys out in that garage. While they were working on the Explorer, we decided to do some MUCH needed clean up around the garage. Jonathan has the tendency to make a very large mess when working on something, and doesn’t want to pick up once he’s done. Would you believe I found 3, I repeat THREE, of my nice steak knives in the cleaning process. From the nights that I have cooked him dinner and brought it to him outside, those dishes seem to never make it back into the house unless I make a point to go back outside myself and bring them in.

After cleaning awhile, mom decided to head back home and I decided it was time for me to get back in the air conditioning and do some house chores. The heat here in Virginia has been bad, and the humidity makes it so much worse. I don’t do so good out in the heat for long, so I figure I was best to get inside to do some laundry. I was feeling very sleepy and laid across the bed for a cat nap. Well, my cat nap turned into a 2 hour nap! I must’ve needed to catch up on some sleep because Jonathan said he tried to wake me up twice and I would not budge.

Once I got up, I was feeling a bit cranky. I hate when I sleep too long and that happens. But I made us both a small sandwich and we packed up the boat to go for a Sunday evening cruise and do a little fishing. We didn’t have any luck with the fishing, but the ride was so nice. We headed all the way up the James until we got into the heart of Richmond, then decided it was time to turn around and head back. The radar was showing some nasty storms coming our way and we could see the dark clouds and lightning in the distance. But we made it back in time and headed home.

The rest of the evening was again, spent in front of the tv until we were both sleepy and ready for bed. That is how we spend most of our evenings, watching tv to wind down and prepare for bed.

Well I’ll be honest, I was worried about being able to post enough content on my blog, but I figure this isn't too shabby for my first post. I give myself a pat on the back.

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