
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Weekend Recap 8/4-8/7

Last Thursday we took our sweet old dog Oscar to the vet. He’s been having some problems for the last couple weeks, and we figured since he hadn’t gotten any better it was time for him to visit the doc. He was such a good boy the entire visit and even after being poked, squeezed and violated, he was just a happy boy as always. The vet visit cost a bit more than we expected because we got a bit of medication, and a few tests. We did have them check again for the heart worms since he tested positive about 2 years ago. We had tried the slow kill method, and even though we weren’t perfect with giving him his medicine, we did get the good news that he is heartworm FREE! This was some much needed positivity since the rest of the visit left us uncertain and worried. We were sent home with an antibiotic and an appointment to follow up in two weeks.

After we got off work that evening, we decided we were going to take both of the dogs with us out for a boat ride. Kayla, our younger female, has been out on the boat before so she was very comfortable and excited, jumping right on the boat. But for Oscar, this was his first ever boat ride. Jonathan had to pick him up and put him on the boat because he was just a little nervous about the whole thing. Once on the boat and we started moving they both relaxed and enjoyed the ride. It was so nice to have both of them with us. Especially since Oscar is getting so old, we wanted to have him with us. And since he was such a good boy during his vet visit, he deserved to get out for a little while.

 Saturday was a Points Race at Richmond dragway. So of course we spent the day at the drag strip, in the miserable heat, only for the race to be cancelled close to 8 pm due to the rain. Luckily, they split the pot with all of the racers that were still in it. Jonathan’s truck is in need of some new tires, so he was lucky that one of his racing buddies was on vacation and let him borrow his truck for the day. Jonathan really has a great group of friends at the drag strip and they all look out for each other. Over the past 6 years, I have learned A LOT about drag racing. I have met several of his friends, and finally feel like people know me and recognize me. I wish there were more females there that were close to my age to hang out with during the race. I met this one girl a few weeks back that seemed really nice. I was bummed on Saturday when her husband said she wasn’t there. Hopefully she comes to the next one, because I need a friend so I don’t sit alone in the stands all the time!

Sunday morning, we had to take back the truck we borrowed. Then we met up with Jonathan’s mom at Cold Harbor Restaurant for breakfast. Jonathan’s sister, Ashley, works there on the weekends so we were able to chit chat with her a little bit. Once finished, we headed to the mall so I could return a bra that I purchased from Victoria’s Secret that was defective. Another let down, they weren’t able to order me a replacement because it was no longer for sale on the website.

We went home, and I decided to take a nap. Obviously I love my naps, usually taking one every weekend. Once I woke up, I did some laundry and cooked us flat bread pizzas for dinner. Jonathan was working on the boat, which he has put for sale on craigslist. I had just gotten used to the boat and kind of don’t want to sell it. But it isn’t the boat that we want, so if we can sell it, we can hopefully buy the type of boat that we do want. Around 7 my mom called and asked me to go with her to the dog park. She recently rescued a Miniature Pincher from the SPCA and wanted to see how he would do around other dogs. Well, it didn’t go very good. There was a nice guy that had an adorable female poodle that he said he would allow to meet with him to see how he did. Unfortunately, he was a bully to the sweet little girl and kept jumping up on top of her and just made me and mom nervous that he would hurt her. He was put back on his leash and we got ready to take him back home. Mom was disappointed that he did so poorly, but I explained to her that he may never have been socialized with other dogs in his previous home. She and Ed are going to try again together sometime to see if there is any improvement.

Once she dropped me off at home, I finished up a bit more laundry and watched a little bit of the Olympics before getting ready for bed. Now the work week is here again, and we have a fairly busy week ahead. Wednesday evening, we will be going to our first ever Bible study. The Officiant who married us has invited us and one other couple into his home to meet with his family and have Bible study. I am really excited because I have wanted us to get more involved in our faith for some time now. I am hoping it is a good fit for us, because I have heard it can be difficult to find a group that you mesh well with. But I am positive that it will be a great evening of fellowship and discussing scripture. Thursday after work, we have another meeting with our financial advisor to discuss a few different things. I am so glad we were referred to the advisor we have. He’s younger, intelligent and seems like he understands our immediate needs, as well as what we want to work towards in the future. Lastly, one night this week we will be meeting up with our old roommate, Jason, that we lived with when we first started dating. He knows we are both Dallas Cowboys fans, and he being a Redskin fan always provides for friendly rivalry. Well, he invited us to go with him to the game at the Redskins stadium on September 18th and we need to reimburse him for purchasing our tickets. I am SO EXCITED because it will be a first for Jonathan and I. Our first NFL game seeing our boys playing their biggest rival!! Can’t wait!

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