
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Margarita's, a Birthday and a mean old cyst!

Last week ended on Cinco de Mayo! My best friend Candace and I decided last minute to go out and get a Margarita to celebrate. Of course any Mexican restaurant would be packed due to the holiday, but we found a spot at the bar and squeezed on in. We had some much needed girl time/adult time for her away from her little one. Sometimes its just so nice to get together with her and just talk about anything and everything. She's always the best listener when it comes to things I'm thinking or feeling, and she never judges me for any of it. I am so lucky to have her as my best friend.

Saturday, I pretty much relaxed around the house all day. I did make it out to Target to get a Birthday present together for my mother-in-law (Debbie). I always spend way more than I plan on whenever I go in there. I found one dress and two tops that were on clearance that I bought for myself, I found another cute top on clearance for Debbie and a cute necklace that matched it well. Got her a photo album, candle and a Starbucks giftcard. Picked up two little squeeze bottles of Stevia, since I have gotten on a kick lately where I am adding Stevia to my water.

Update on our in home office. We have torn up the wood floors that were buckling, torn down the HORRIBLE wood paneling that I cannot stand, replaced the floor and gotten the walls all fixed up and painted. Carpet is next and that will be one bedroom done. We will move on to the spare bedroom next. I am so so so excited to get my office furniture back in there and get back to work in my actual office instead of my poor living room that has been crowded with office furniture and paperwork for about a month now.

Sunday we went to dinner with Jonathan’s mom, Aunt Terry and her significant other, for Debbie’s birthday. Texas Roadhouse is always so yummy. Once we finished up there, we headed on home and took it easy the rest of the evening. 

Monday rolled around way quicker than I ever want it to. My office manager is out of the office this week preparing for surgery and will probably not return to work until closer to the end of the month. Having the office to myself can be nice and quiet, but yesterday it was crazy busy. It was all I could do to keep up and return as many missed calls as possible. Plus I had to leave early and close the office because I had plastic surgery yesterday to have a cyst removed from my face for the 2nd and hopefully that last time. Took him about 45 minutes of digging and cutting stuff out but we are sending off the 4 little chunks to confirm they are benign like the last one was. Needless to say I was pretty sore last night once the lidocaine wore off, and even more tender today. Just saying prayers that its gone for good, because Dr. said if it comes back a third time, he is going to want to put me under general anesthesia and really cut deep to try to get to the root of the problem. Wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that its on my face!!! No fun.

Waiting for lidocaine to work its magic and make me all numb.
Swollen up from all the digging and tugging.

Took a pregnancy test this morning like I had planned on doing since I am 10dpo today. Negative.
Blah. But that’s okay, still hopeful that it could be positive this month. I say I will test again in a couple days, but knowing me, it will probably be tomorrow morning if not again this evening. I kind of get obsessed at this point during my cycle. Period is due to start 05/14 (Mother’s Day), if she comes like a normal person’s. If not, and I go all the way to the 21st without a period starting, I am supposed to take another round of Provera to induce AF. I really don’t want to take it again because it broke me out like crazy and I had debilitating cramps last time. So fingers crossed that I am pregnant, but if not, that my period comes on its own before the 21st!

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