
Monday, May 1, 2017

Life update, it’s been too long

Well I have to admit, I have been terrible when it comes to writing on here. As always, hoping to improve, but no promises.A little update since my last post in September (wow, WAY too long)!
Life lately has been super busy and a full of events. I feel like we are always going going going and hardly have a chance to relax. Business for Jonathan has started to pick up now that weather has warmed up, so that means more office work for me. Its very exciting thinking that one day, I may be able to work from home full time for my husband. But for now, still keeping my full time job.
We both purchased new vehicles, finally got the SUV I have wanted forever. And Jonathan finally got the turbo diesel he has been dreaming of. Now we are in the process of trying, for the second time, to get approved for a mortgage so we can buy the home we have been renting for the past 5 years. We were declined last time we tried because Jonathan had recently “changed jobs/started his own business.”
So that is a bit of why I definitely have to keep my full time job right. We both have big old monthly car payments. Fortunately we did mine on a 4 year loan, which my goal is to pay off in 3. We shall see how it goes, life has a way of throwing financial curveballs when you least expect it.
On to a little bit more of serious update on what has been going on with me. And I will just be blunt. After our wedding, I guess I may have come down with the “after wedding blues.” When all the excitement was over and it was back to reality. Anyways, my emotions were all over the place and I was having a hard time with leveling out. I was losing my cool way too often, and really needed to see about talking to someone. Made an appointment with a new Primary Dr, who was actually my Dr back when I was about 10-11. She suggested I start taking Celexa. Which I can tell you has worked wonders for me. Once I got past the first few weeks taking it (lots of crazy side effects), I have been a much happier, level headed and laid back. Unfortunately, the weight gain started almost immediately as one of the side effects. I joined the YMCA in February and have been working really hard to drop the extra weight and get into better physical shape. I have needed to do this for years, and I am proud to say I have ALMOST lost 10lbs since joining.
Next serious topic, I finally quit taking birth control in November in hopes of getting pregnant and starting our family. I had been on birth control pills since the age of 14 … so about 12 years. At about the beginning of my menses, my OBGYN diagnosed me with PCOS. So of course I have known since the beginning that I could have trouble conceiving. The whole time I was on the pill, my cycle would be regular for the most part. Every now in then it would skip a month but Dr. always said it was nothing to worry about. And it was always really light. But birth control can mess with so much, I don’t feel like I could accurately know what my normal cycle was like because I have ALWAYS been on the pill.
I had the regular withdraw bleed after quitting, 28 days later had my first period since quitting (so we didn’t conceive 1st cycle). I wasn’t too disappointed because it was great that my period came back like it should. After that cycle, I went another 109 days (probably 40 negative pregnancy tests) before starting another period. And that’s only because I went to my new OBGYN who prescribed my Provera to induce my period. So now that I have finally had my period, we are now in 5th month TTC, but really only my 3rd cycle. I am excited and hopeful that it will happen soon. Baby fever is through the roof and I want nothing more than to become a mother and raise a child of my own. I am glad that my OB knows that we have been trying since November and said if it doesn’t happen within a year (most couples take a year to conceive), then we will look into intervention. I have been praying daily that God will allow me to conceive on my own. At first I was all into trying to time out everything and stressing myself obsessing over things that I have no control over. I am really trying this cycle to just go with the flow, step back and put it all in God’s hands. I hope that it is his will for me to become pregnant soon.  
So now that I have updated on some of life lately, I will try to be better about posting. We will see how that goes, but wish me luck! 

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