
Thursday, December 14, 2017

1st Round Unsuccessful

Well as the title says, my first round of Clomid failed to make me ovulate. I have been extremely emotional and disappointed for the past week. There were 2 times my temp rose but wasn’t sustained. Of course I had my hopes too high and ended in a huge disappointment.
I had mood swings, cramps, bloat, hot flashes, etc. but unfortunately it just didn’t do the trick.
Nothing much more to say about it.

I went in this morning to my OB so she could check for over stimulation, which I do not have. And also to look at my chart for herself. She wrote me a new Rx for Clomid at 100mg to try after I take Provera to induce my period. Will be doing days 5-9 again, and of course I know my hopes will be super high again. When leaving my appointment, my Dr said “we will all be keeping our fingers crossed for you,” which of course when she left the room I cried while putting my pants back on. Infertility is just such an emotional roller coaster, one second you’re feeling positive then the next like the whole world is pregnant except you. Which obviously I know isn’t true, but I saw another pregnancy announcement Tuesday. This girl I went to school with and her boyfriend, who have only been together for less than a year. Totally put me in a horrible funk after seeing that. I really wanted a BFP for Christmas and also to share some exciting news with family, but just wasn’t meant to be.

Just going to try to be more relaxed though as far as sex goes this next time. We were very active this last round, which was honestly more stressful I feel like. We will try to stick with every other day this time, so we can feel like we able to relax with less pressure. I was just so worried we would miss “O” day, that we did it practically every day, sometimes twice.

Definitely need to try to relax a little more next time, which I think will help.

I’m rambling. I’m down in the dumps, sorry.

If this next round doesn’t make me ovulate, I have decided I will go to a specialist for any future treatments. Simply to be monitored and maybe pointed in a different direction if that’s what we need. But we will take a break before going, just to have a mental break from it all.

Anywho, sorry for the negativity in this post. Just wanted to put an update on here. Praying for better luck this next round.

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