
Monday, December 31, 2018

Year in Review - 2018

With the new year upon us, I am so thrilled for everything that is to come in 2019. Mainly the fact that we will be welcoming our BABY BOY to the world. But I always like to take a look back that the year that is coming to an end and reflect on all of the events that took place. I almost forget all of the wonderful things (and some sad) that take place until I compile them all together in a post for me to see. Without further ado, here is my 2018 Year in Review.

 We began the year hopeful and starting Round 2 of Clomid after Round 1's lower dose failed to induce ovulation.

After a long struggle towards the end of his long happy life, we had to say goodbye to our sweet old man Oscar on January 15th.

On January 27th, I found out I was pregnant.

January 30, took mom to a paint night event for her birthday. And old her that she was going to be a Granny.

The morning of January 31st, we found out that I was not going to be having this baby. And I was completely devastated. I had an OB appointment that day for bloodwork to confirm what I already knew to be true.

On February 2nd, I began to miscarry.
Even though my emotions were wrecked and I was actively miscarrying, I found the strength to make it to the Champion's Gala in support of my husband, who received 4th place award for the year of 2017. It was a great distraction for me, which I desperately needed to stop the constant crying.

One of my best friends had actually had her second child on January 29th, but it took me until February 10th to get a grip and make it over to her house to meet Ghislaine.
 This cutie kept me cheerful.

Valentine's Roses from my sweetheart.

Started trying to find peace with our loss and with the struggle of infertility as whole by purchasing "In Due Time" by Caroline Harries.

Found the strength to attend a baby "sprinkle" for another dear friend having baby number 2.

March had Jonathan and I both seeking joy in our sweet fur babies, Lucy, Booger and Kayla. I was actively on the road to healing and finding peace.

Mom's Dog, Pop

Race season begins!

My girlfriend Amanda's Birthday Bonfire

Another Good Friday Mud Bog in the books!

Spring was here, and I continuously had flowers on my desk at work to brighten my days and to give me a sense of caring for something.
My first Tulips popped out from the dirt in my flowerbeds. I had planted bulbs the previous Fall and was sooooo proud to see that they made it! So Jonathan and I got some fresh mulch to brighten everything up and repainted the foundation of our home that was chipped and hideous looking.

I started seeing a new Chiropractor that I am still seeing every other week. I absolutely SWEAR by regular chiropractic adjustments if you have scoliosis/back pain/etc. as I do. I really needed the self care and felt this was one way for me to take the time doing something for me.

Race Life

In April, AF returned naturally after a 66 day hiatus following our miscarriage. Since my current OB was actually retiring, we decided to ask her to fill one more round of Clomid 100mg for us to try. So Round 3 began. Hopeful and fully expecting to get pregnant again, I pushed forward declaring success already ours.

April 21st, we attended a beautiful wedding for Jonathan's cousin Chad and his fiancĂ© Lynsey. I unfortunately didn't snag a picture of the bride and groom that day.

May 2nd was CD25, and I had come to accept that Clomid Round 3 had failed to induce ovulation. This left me feeling that possibly I still had healing, learning and growing to do. I decided I would make some changes to try to improve my overall health. I switched to a strict Keto diet and also started taking Vitex+, and I got back to a gym schedule of 3x a week. On CD58, I ovulated, on my own, without medicine. Though we did not get pregnant, I was thrilled that my body did what it was supposed to naturally.

My Lily bulbs that I had planted were finally getting buds on them and decided to bloom GOREGOUSLY!

Race Wife privileges, you get your name on the passenger window.

We threw my mother-in-law a surprise 60th birthday party, and it was wonderful. She had such an great time and didn't expect it at all.

Mother's Day was tough, really tough. But Jonathan made sure to help me through it while also spending time with his mother.

I woke up early and prepared a HomeChef breakfast for my Mom. Pineapple Upsidedown Cake Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, and MOMosas.

 We then invited Jonathan's mother to join us out on the boat for the rest of the day.

By the end of May, I had started to notice a significant difference in the way my body looked and in the way I was feeling about myself. Keto diet was definitely helping me to lose weight that the previous three rounds of clomid had helped me to gain, I was getting my confidence back. I also had started drinking therapeutic Ketones at this point to supplement the keto diet when I was not able to eat perfectly.

Ski Day

Treated myself to a new look with lighter hair!

Loved having this lighter hair for the summer months.

Jonathan's 32nd Birthday fell on a Saturday this year, and also a scheduled race day. I invited family and some friends to come out to the track for food and to celebrate him. Even my sweet dear Granny came along.

Gift I had made for Jonathan by an artist. He LOVED it!

Full weekend of racing had us at a different track on Sunday where he was the runner up in the event.

Father's Day always falls right near Jonathan's birthday. So for Father's Day this year, Dad was at the track for Jonathan's birthday. I gave him a new Vape in hopes that he would try again to quit smoking. (He's not quit yet.)

I had finally scheduled my regular annual with a new OB, since mine retired. I had been looking forward to this appointment and was also nervous. One, I had acutally ovulated NATURALLY again a few days prior to my appointment. Two, you never know what you will get with a regular OB when it comes to infertility. Well she was so wonderful. I explained to her all that I had been through and tried so far. She immediately did bloodwork and scheduled me for ultrasound the following week. At which time I finally received my OFFICIAL PCOS diagnosis, along with starting my first low dose round of Femara/Letrozole.

Another awesome day of racing for Jonathan in Roxboro, NC. He won in one class and lost in the semifinals in a class that he doesn't usually win in.

 My Friend Megan (on the right) won VIP tickets for her and 8 friends to see Maddie and Tae in concert at a local mall. It was catered by Maggianos, free beer and wine tastings, and front row cushioned seats for the show. We had such a fun time and was an awesome experience to be considered "VIP".

The next day me and the same two girlfriends above, Jessica and Megan, had already purchased way in advance tickets to see Ludacris at Innsbrook Afterhours. I spent sometime in my mom's pool that day trying to get my tan on.


Ride on the Bass Boat

Remi's 3rd Birthday

Round 1 of Femara at 2.5mg failed to make me ovulate, so bumped up to 5mg for Femara Round 2.

Still working on healing my heart.

4th of July

Another fun day just me and my love, boat rides and Maggiano's for dinner.

Ketone's and More Weightloss, soooo CLOSE to my goal!

Lee Brice, LANCO, and Lewis Brice concert at Innsbrook with my love.


Visiting Pampaw and Beaby in Roanoke

Race Life
Photographer snapped a cute pic of Jonathan and I. One of our friends won the race that day and we were waiting for the Winner's Circle photo.

My Sister-In-Law's Birthday Dinner at Maggiano's. 

Femara Round 2 WORKED! Let the TWW begin!

10 Year Highschool Reunion


My 28th Birthday (BFN and HORRIBLE cramps!)
Dinner at Maggiano's.
 My Granny and I always share our Birthday dinner's <3

From "Why Her?" by Nicki Koziarz
Sweet gift from a dear friend. I absolutely LOVED this book.
Starting Femara Round 3

Had an awesome day out on the boat with Jonathan and my Dad. It was his first time ever joining us for a boat day and I am so glad to have made those memories with him that day.

Femara worked AGAIN!

 Loving what this book is giving me spiritually.

Jonathan and one of his best friends travelled to NC for a race, where they finished Jonathan 1st and Russell 2nd. Was an awesome day for them both!

Another final in the book, came in 2nd this day

Annual Family Reunion in Roanoke, VA

And my last visit with Pampaw before he passed away.

Weight gain from back to back rounds of fertility meds.
So thankful that Femara now worked 3 times in a row!
Old Dominion Concert with Megan!

I successfully completed a 60 Hour Reboot (Cleanse).

The day that would've been my due date if I hadn't have miscarried. Jonathan and I decided to go public with information of our loss for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.
Jonathan and I took my Mom and Ed with us out to dinner and to see Darren Knight's Southern Momma Comedy.

Two days later, on October 15th, I found out I was pregnant!

I went to Charlottesville with my Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law for a MercyMe Concert. Took everything in me not to blab to them right then and there!

Positive Digital Test, after two separate blood draws that confirmed HCG was doubling and Progesterone was also rising.

On October 24th, my Pampaw's journey on this earth came to an end.


Chris Stapleton concert in Charlottesville with my Mom and Ed.
 Our first ultrasound/Dr appointment.

Made my famous Bananna Pudding for the annual Friendsgiving celebration.

Thanksgiving Day, we shared our news with majority of our family members. 

Our 2nd ultrasound to confirm baby's measurements were all caught up. And appointment to submit bloodwork for the NIPT.
 Love listening to our baby's little heartbeat.
Went to the movies with my hunnie for a last minute date night.

We decorated the house for Christmas and had our first big snow of the season!

We made it to 12 weeks!!
We found out baby Martin was a BOY on 12/14/2018 and on Christmas Eve (13w4d) we went public on FB with our exciting news.
Celebrated Christmas Day with our families.

Well, that is it for 2018's Year in Review, and what a FULL year it was. I am so blessed with all of the fun and exciting things that I was able to be a part of and have happen in 2018. Jonathan and I are thrilled for all that 2019 will bring to our lives. Including our little boy. <3 Thank you God for this incredible life and all of the blessings I have and will receive.